Maintenance Cycle for Rental Properties’ Fixtures and Finishes

Maintenance Cycle for Rental Properties’ Fixtures and Finishes

There’s a kind of cycle that happens. It might be every four years or it might be every six years. But then there comes a time in the lifespan of the rental property where you’ve got to go back and give it a good spruce up again.

Depending where you see it in the market, it would often make more sense just to go in there and resurface that and get another five years out of it than it would going in and just replacing the whole thing.

With rental properties, you are improving some of those fixtures and finishes regularly much more than you would with your home.

Because I know with some of my properties have got like four or five people living in the property.

I know the bathroom is going to need to have been completely redone every five to seven years, not every 10 years. So I know that kind of wear-and-tear affects it as well.

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