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Questions to Ask a Seller’s Agent

Always remember that the agent is working towards the seller’s best interests. They want to achieve as high a price as possible.

You obviously want to get the lowest possible price.

The answers you get to these questions may give you some leverage when negotiating a price:

We’ll start with the basics:

Is the property rented?

How long is the lease?

What’s the weekly rent?

You may also be able to talk to the tenants about the property to find out if there’s anything wrong with it.

Also ask the real estate agent:

Is the vendor interested in offers before auction?

Have they received any offers yet?

What were those offers?

The more people putting in offers, the greater the chance of the seller achieving their asking price.

Finally, we come to the most important question:

Why is the vendor selling?

You want to know the motivation behind the sale.

Maybe they’ve had a change in life or financial circumstances that force the sale. 

Unfortunately, the seller’s agent knows why you’re asking this question, so they may not provide you with a straight answer.It’s worth a try!

Download our guide Know The Buying Process  to help you understand what you need to know and when you know what to do!